컵카덱 (Cub Cadet) PRO Z-760S
미국 생산
엔진: Kawasaki® 31 HP (FX921v, 752SFX921S13, 999cc)
데크사이즈(Cutting Deck): 60인치
칼날: 3 개 (Triple-blade, High-lift blade, Marbain Blade)
동력전달: 전자클러치 PTO (electronic fingertip engagement pto)
연료탱크 용량: 트윈탱크(Twin) 28리터 X 2 (전자게이지)
속도: 전진(19 km/h), 후진(9.5 km/h)
데크(Deck) 제질: fabricated 7ga. (.187”) 스틸(teel shell)
데크(Deck) 구조: 7게이지. reinforcement ¼” rolled leading edge
스핀들(Spindle): 8" sealed cast aluminum housing (maintenance-free)
윤활방식(FLubrication): Full - Spin On
타이어: 전(16"x6.5"-8"Kenda K505), 후(24"x12"-12")
사이즈(mm): 2,185 X x 1,575 x 133mm(H)
무게: 573Kg
전복방지(ROPS): 2" x 2" spring-latch tool-less foldable 3 position
Parker HTG 14cc pump 280cc wheel motor
데크(Deck)높낮이 조절: 16단 조절 (2.54cm ~ 13.4cm)
프레임(Frame): Fully welded
차륜전축(Front Axle): 2" x 3" solid axle tube with ISO dampening suspension
펌퍼(Bumper): 5/16" Thick Steel rear engine guard/pre-drilled mounting points for attachments with integrated rear hitch
요크(Yokes): 1/2" 두께 스틸 전면 요크
브레이크(Brakes): 핸들동작 레바(Hand-operated lever with integrated hydro pump release lever)
운전제어(Steering Control): High Performance Steering Wheel with electronic power steering & Foot-pedal Control
접이식 팔걸아, EVC쿠션 서스펜션 좌석(ISO mounted base 조절형), 아워메터(Hour Meter),컵홀더